The CREATE Action Funnel by Stephen Wendel: A Comprehensive Guide to Behavior Design
In the ever-evolving field of UX design, understanding the principles of human behavior is crucial for creating products that users love. One powerful framework that aids in this understanding is the CREATE Action Funnel, developed by Dr. Stephen Wendel. This model helps designers and innovators craft experiences that effectively influence user actions. By applying the principles of the CREATE Action Funnel, you can create more engaging and successful designs.
What is the CREATE Action Funnel?
The CREATE Action Funnel is based on the acronym CREATE, which stands for:
Cue: The trigger that initiates the thought of taking a specific action.
Reaction: The initial, instinctive response to the cue.
Evaluation: The rational analysis of the costs and benefits of taking the action.
Ability Check: Assessing whether the user has the capability to take the action at that moment.
Time Pressure: Determining if there is an urgency to perform the action.
Experience: The feelings and outcomes associated with taking the action.
Applying the CREATE Action Funnel in UX Design
Cue: The Initial Trigger
Definition: A cue is a stimulus that initiates the thought of taking a specific action. It could be a notification, an email, a visual prompt, or even an environmental factor.
Application: Identify what triggers your users to consider taking the desired action. Ensure that these cues are clear, relevant, and strategically placed within your design.
Reaction: First Impressions Matter
Definition: The reaction is the user's immediate, instinctive response to the cue. This can be positive, negative, or neutral.
Application: Understand and design for the emotional impact of your cues. Aim for positive reactions by making cues appealing and aligned with user motivations.
Evaluation: Rational Analysis
Definition: Evaluation involves a more deliberate and rational consideration of the costs and benefits of taking the action. Users weigh factors such as effort, time, and rewards.
Application: Provide clear information about the benefits of the action. Use persuasive design techniques to highlight rewards and minimize perceived costs.
Ability Check: Can Users Perform the Action?
Definition: Ability Check assesses whether users have the capability to take the action at that moment. This includes factors like simplicity, time, and effort required.
Application: Simplify the task as much as possible. Ensure that the user interface is intuitive, and provide necessary support or guidance to help users complete the action easily.
Time Pressure: Is It Urgent?
Definition: Time Pressure evaluates whether there is a sense of urgency or a deadline associated with the action. This can motivate users to act promptly.
Application: Create a sense of urgency by setting deadlines, using countdowns, or highlighting time-sensitive benefits. Ensure the urgency feels genuine and not manipulative.
Experience: The Outcome of Action
Definition: Experience refers to the feelings and outcomes associated with taking the action. This influences future behavior and user satisfaction.
Application: Focus on delivering a positive experience during and after the action. Provide feedback, celebrate accomplishments, and reinforce the benefits to ensure users feel good about their decision.
Case Study: Applying the CREATE Action Funnel
Scenario: A fitness app wants to increase user engagement by encouraging daily workouts.
Cue: Send a motivational notification reminding users to start their workout.
Reaction: Users feel inspired and ready to exercise.
Evaluation: Users consider the health benefits versus the effort required.
Ability Check: Ensure the workout instructions are clear and the app is easy to navigate.
Time Pressure: Highlight the importance of consistency and the impact of daily exercise.
Experience: Provide positive feedback, rewards, and progress tracking to make users feel accomplished and motivated to continue.
By applying the CREATE Action Funnel, the fitness app can create a more engaging and effective user experience, leading to increased user retention and satisfaction.
The CREATE Action Funnel is a valuable tool for understanding and designing for human behavior. By focusing on cues, reactions, evaluations, ability checks, time pressure, and experiences, designers can create products and experiences that drive desired actions and improve user satisfaction. Whether you're working on a UX project, marketing campaign, or behavior change initiative, the CREATE Action Funnel provides a solid foundation for success.